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2022-11-15 李赢赢 【 字体:



Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the importance of energy and how to solve the problem of energy shortage. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


Solutions to Energy Shortage

It is self-evident that energy plays an important role in our daily life. Inpiduals need clean fresh water and manufacturing industry needs coal and oil. Needless to say, humans cannot survive without energy. However, there is a growing shortage of energy due to many reasons and we should figure out how to solve the problem.

First of all, we should utilize more renewable energy such as water, wind, and solar energy. The Netherlands is one of the countries where wind energy has been widely used. Secondly, we should develop more new energy. For example, nuclear energy can also be used to generate electricity. Last but not least, we should try to reduce the consumption of energy. Inpiduals can start saving energy by taking public transportation and manufacturing industry can adopt energy-saving production methods.

The problem of energy shortage is closely related to everyone's life. We should make joint efforts to develop new energy and save energy so that we can continue living on the earth.


self-evident(显而易见的)、survive(生存)、figure out...(想出……)




be related to...(与……相关)、joint(共同的)、live on the earth(在地球上生存)


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the importance of public transportation and how to promote it. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


How to Promote Public Transportation

Nowadays, more and more people opt for public transportation when they go out because public transportation has become more convenient and it is environmentally-friendly compared to private cars. However, public transportation still has some shortcomings and here are some means to promote it.

Firstly, the public transportation routes should be increased. Sometimes people have to choose taxis or private cars simply because they cannot reach their destination by public transportation. Secondly, we  should guarantee a high frequency of public transportation. If people have to wait a long time, especially in bad weather, they would choose other means of transportation instead. Lastly, the infrastructure of public transportation should be improved. Sometimes the vehicles are so shabby that people refuse to get on.

Public transportation is of great importance for inpiduals as well as the government. In order to attract more passengers, the routes and frequency of public transportation should be increased, and its infrastructure should be improved. Only in this way can we promote public transportation.


opt for...(选择……)、environmentally-friendly(环保的)、shortcoming(缺点)






Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay. Suppose you have two options upon eating: one is to eat at home and the other to eat out. You are to make a decision. Write an essay to explain the reasons for your decision. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


The Benefits of Eating at Home

With the rise of the catering business, many people, especially youngsters, like to eat out. In their opinion, eating out is convenient and time-saving. As for me, I still like to eat at home because it is safer and it helps strengthen the family bond.

For one thing, eating at home is safer because all the ingredients are carefully chosen and their quality is guaranteed. In comparison, when eating out, you don't know where the cooking oil is from, and whether the raw material has expired or not. For another, eating at home can cement family relationships. Family members can talk about their life and work while preparing the meal, which gives them a chance to deepen their feelings.

Everyone has different views on whether to eat at home or eat out. Eating out can save people the trouble of preparing food and washing dishes, but eating at home is comforting and relationship-enhancing. Although I wouldn't object to eating out every once in a while, I still choose to eat at home for most of the time.


catering business(餐饮业)、youngster(年轻人)、the family bond(家庭纽带)




comforting(令人宽慰的)、object(反对)、every once in a while(偶尔)


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay to express your views on the phenomenon that more and more people live on take-out. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


The Hazards of Take-out

With the spread of the take-out business, more and more people live on take-out. There is no denying that take-out has its own merits, such as convenience, variety, and time-saving. However, take-out has some potential hazards that cannot be ignored.

The first concern is related to people's health. Some restaurants add more additives such as salt and oil to make their food delicious and appealing. If we ingest too much takeout food, it will do harm to our health. The second concern is about the environment. Most of the take-out is delivered in plastic bags or disposable boxes. It takes a very long time for them to decompose, which will pollute the environment.

To sum up, living on take-out is not only bad for health, but also damages the environment. Therefore, people should reduce their reliance on take-out. Take some time to cook and there will be more fun than ordering take-out.




additive(添加剂)、appealing(吸引人的)、ingest(摄入)、plastic bag(塑料袋)、disposable(一次性的,用完即丢弃的)


be bad for...(对……有害)、reliance(依赖)


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay. You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then express your views on the problem of job-seeking for college graduates. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


The Problem of Job-seeking for College Graduates

The picture depicts a contrasting situation: On the one hand, with a bright future in his mind, a college student graduates from university, looking forward to a decent job; on the other hand, so many job-hunters rush into the job market and it is really hard to find an ordinary job.

Under such circumstances, what shall we do?

At first, our government should keep stable economic growth and provide more job opportunities for college graduates. Besides, the government should implement more proactive employment policies targeted on college graduates. Secondly, the media should try to create a non-discriminatory hiring atmosphere. Meanwhile, colleges should offer majors which keep pace with the times and economic development. Lastly, college students should study hard and improve their comprehensive abilities in preparation for working in society.

In conclusion, there is no excuse for us to complain or escape when facing this situation. Conversely, we should try to find various solutions to solve the problem.


contrasting(对比的,对照的)、look forward to(盼望,期待)、decent(相当好的)、rush into(涌入)、the job market(就业市场)


stable(稳定的)、implement(执行,实施)、proactive(积极的,主动的)、keep pace with...(和……保持同步)、comprehensive abilities(综合能力)


in conclusion(总之)、excuse(借口,托词)、complain(抱怨)、escape(逃避)、conversely(相反地)



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